
GGMessenger is an unofficial Facebook Messenger for Magic and Hearthstone fans.

I built GGMessenger as an easy way to talk about Magic and Hearthstone strategy with a few close friends. I'm a Rank 3 Hearthstone player, and I attend a fair number of Limited and Team Limited Magic GPs. We wanted a way to discuss the CCG metagame without having to constantly look up cards and decks. It's also a better way to share MTGO decks instead of exporting, copying, and pasting text files over email.

You can use GGMessenger for anything from discussing competitive strategy to keeping in touch with friends at your local game store!

GGMessenger is based on Caprine by Sindre Sorhus, built with Electron, and supports both OSX and Windows.


Card Linking with Autocomplete

Link any card from MTG or Hearthstone as a sticker by sending [cardname], or you can inline cards with tooltips:

Use [Coldlight Oracle] and [Gang Up] for epic fun!

GGMessenger supports both tab / click autocomplete for all cards. To switch between MTG and Hearthstone autocomplete, simply click the icon left of the keyboard.

Easily Share Deck Lists

You can share your current draft deck from MTGO by simply exporting it as a DEK file, and drag-and-drop into the chat window! Support for exporting Hearthstone decks is coming soon.

GGMessenger also automatically expands decks from many external URLs. Currently, it supports:



NOTE: Your computer must have access to MTG / Hearthstone sites to support integrations. Firewalls will prevent integrations from working.


MIT © Jay Ni